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Hair Removal Guidelines

How long do I need to grow my hair out before waxing or sugaring?

10 days- 2 weeks minimum.  Your hair needs to be at least 1/8 inch (about the length of a grain of rice) but 1/2 inch gets you better results.  It is recommended to have at least 2 weeks of hair growth for your first appointment.

How long does waxing | sugaring last

It will depend on where you are in the hair growth cycle.  Hair removal on a regular cadence enables the cycles to be synchronized. It is recommended that appointments be made at least 4 weeks apart, and no more than 6 weeks between appointments for best results.  This can be further discussed during your appointment.

Does hair removal hurt

The analogy of "ripping off the bandaid" plays well here - it smarts at first but goes away quickly.  Most clients say it isn't as bad as they were expecting.  It is helpful to take over the counter non-aspirin pain medication 30 minutes prior to your appointment time.  Drinking alcoholic beverages prior to your appointment can also increase sensitivity.

I retail a product that helps to desensitize the skin and diminish pain.  The client applies the product 30 minutes prior to hair removal.

Can I receive hair removal services when I am on my menstrual cycle?  

Yes.  Be aware that some women are more sensitized during their period and may experience more discomfort than usual.  You will be required to wear a tampon during your service, please plan accordingly.

How do I take care of my skin after my waxing appointment

Caring for your skin after hair removal ensures a more comfortable and effective experience directly following your appointment and more efficient removal during following appointments.

* Keep your skin clean and dry for at least 24-48 hours following your appointment.

* Wear loose clothing and avoid friction (including sex)

* Avoid touching, as this can cause irritation and infection.  

* No working out, swimming, sexual activity, hot tubs, saunas or any activity that may cause your body temperature to rise and/or cause you to sweat.


How do I prevent ingrown hairs?

As your hair grows back over time, it will become thinner (quantity) and finer (texture).  Finer hairs tend to become trapped under the skin as it is weaker and cannot push through as it grows.  Exfoliate your skin regularly to minimize dead skin that can aid in causing ingrown hairs.


I also retail topical products that are effective at clearing up ingrown hairs and preventing future break outs.

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